William J.J.Gordon worked with creative-thinking groups and had a variety of other creative activities. He was afraid that people will come, when asked, with a new creative idea, dear incrementalize. In other words, make it an alternative to a gradual improvement. While this may result in slightly better alternatives alternatives probably not real progress. Gordon decided that one way to avoid this problem would not simply say to the people what they forged. For example, uses the technique of focusing first on Gordon-function. Instead of saying, can build a better mousetrap, the group initially said that the focus has been entered. Instead of the group responsible for the development of an improved knife, the function could be expressed as a fraction.
Caffeine for the Creative Mind: 250 Exercises to stimulate your brain gordon also developed a well-known technique called Synectics. Synectics means "the combination of seemingly disparate elements." First, set of very different people together in groups Synectics to get a real variety of perspectives. Secondly, Synectics relies heavily on the use of analogies. Synectics techniques were often taken over by companies and educational institutions. Three tools to Gordon Synectics direct analogy, personal analogy, and the analogy of the imagination.
Direct analogy:
Caffeine for the Creative Mind: 250 Exercises to stimulate your brain gordon also developed a well-known technique called Synectics. Synectics means "the combination of seemingly disparate elements." First, set of very different people together in groups Synectics to get a real variety of perspectives. Secondly, Synectics relies heavily on the use of analogies. Synectics techniques were often taken over by companies and educational institutions. Three tools to Gordon Synectics direct analogy, personal analogy, and the analogy of the imagination.
Direct analogy:
It is looking for evidence in parallel, the knowledge or technology in an area different from the development. For example, we may believe something similar happens in nature?
Personal Analogy:
Personal Analogy:
With this approach, the Synectics Group to identify psychologically with the most important pieces of the problem to try. In one case, for example, the group was invited to a mechanism that would work a rotating shaft 400 to 4000 revolutions per minute, so that the end of the PTO at 400 revolutions per minute would constantly turn design. To answer this question, the group entered the metaphorical box and I tried to use her body to the speed required to achieve without excessive friction.
Fantasy analogy:
Sigmund Freud saw creativity as the fulfillment of a wish or a fantasy. Fantasy analogy asks how many in wildest dreams that I can do? Gordon gives the example of a group of Synectics, to invent the task of a closure to the vapors of space suits. Their solution was a spring mechanism on the analogy of an imaginary line through the accession of insect claws closed bolt holding formed based.
It is more than just Synectics use of analogy. The technique follows a structure to solve the problem, interact and in what order a client and other participants to develop a viable solution for the customer. For example, after the problem was presented and discussed, there is a "stepping stone" in which the problem by the client for the concerns, opinions and wishes in states such as "I want to convert is open ..." or " How to ... ". Later, after a first idea was developed and refined, "detailed response" step requires the client of three useful functions or benefits to keep the idea and to generate key concerns. Still later, after the group is working to change the proposal in order to overcome these concerns, the "possible solution" to the elements of novelty and viability checked and, if there is sufficient commitment to the solution of additional measures. Finally, the customer, the steps to implement the solution, simple to use and the schedule and staff.
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