Sep 4, 2013

MBA Notes - Advertising as Mass Communication and Communication Mix

Advertising is a form of mass communication
Off course, advertising is a form of mass communication. Advertising is a process of transmitting of information by the producer or a seller of a merchandise or service to transform or stimulate the buyer behavior to purchase a particular product or services. Advertising can be in various form of appearance such as Newspapers, magazines, internet, social media, sign, symbol, Commercials on TV or radio, poster etc. as we can say that advertising is the two way communication link between the buyer and seller.
Commercial Advertising is a paid form of a non-personal message communicated through the various media by business firms, industries, nonprofit organizations, or individuals. Advertising must be informational and persuasive and planned to motivate the buying behavior and/or influence patterns of the buyer.
Advertising industry makes mass consumption possible which is the basic ingredients of today's trendy culture. Advertising is an essential element of our culture because it reflects and attempts to modify our life styles.
Advertisers can get their audiences via TV, radio, Movies, print media, outdoor advertising, Personal Selling and the web as well. The advertising message has to reach a billion people, speaking different languages, practicing many religions. Hence, advertising has to consider mass communication.

Marketing Communication Mix
The marketing communication mix is the specific mix of advertising, sales promotion, public relation, personal selling and direct marketing a company uses to enforce its advertising and promotional objectives. Elements of the mix are blended in different quantities in a campaign.

Elements of communication mix
Marketing communications has a marketing mix. Essentials of the mix are mingling in different quantities in a advertisement campaign.  There are the elements of marketing communication mix:-
Advertising - Advertising is paid form of public presentation and promotion of goods, ideas or services by recognized sponsor.
Personal selling – Some organizations are use to with Personal presentation by the selling force for the purpose of making sales and build client relationship.
Sales promotion - Short time benefits to persuade sales or buys of a product or service.
Sponsorship - Sponsorship is about providing funds to an occasion or event, in-turn the product or company is approved for doing so.
Direct marketing - Direct communication for example telephone contact, email, postal mail, with carefully segmented  and targeted individual potential customers to obtain instant reply and cultivate lasting relationship.
E-marketing - Online marketing is also making impact to advertise the product or services, to buy space on famous web pages or being a web publisher to promotion.
Public relation - Building good relationship with the firm's a variety of publics by obtaining positive exposure, building up a good company image, and handling unfavorable rumors, stories, and events.

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